what I feel during the worship is great~haha..
I got feel that Irene has improve~
Just the fast song~I think the song choice are not good..
And Joel 1st time lead..nervous gua...
But some technical problem...blah...
But what most important..
ME, Dion, Wai Khee and Chee Seng..
Going to Wangsa Walk and watch movie..
What i wanted to watch is IPman2~!!!yeah!
But I reach there I kinda==
IPman2 = 18ppl
That mean only me can watch..
The other children==No choice~
they watch ironman2 lor..
I still stand for myself watch IPman2!hehe
Is ok for me..One people watch only ma==
Won't die geh..haha..
Ironman2 start at 4pm
Ipman2 start at 5pm
At there I buy a high waist jean at TeeToo..
Nice~beg and dress too~hehe..
Later go popular there read books..
Times pass very fast ler==
Ipman2 was fab!!!
I love it...
The punching all was so hit my heart man...
The sound..I really can feel the pain~!
Luckily he win!!!yup!!
After that movie I really stop talk about it..
My heart still pumping so fast~!the enthusiam was great~!!
After the movie we went to dinner~and back home!!
Woah..tired day lor..hee..
But happy...Ipman2 I love it~!
me!sexy ler..haha==
My high waist jean~nice ler..haha
the olive oil spagetti..yuck==taste weird
Really late for few minutes
Because they have just 9 cinema..
That's why need to wait for people to come out only we can go in
But the seat all are very comfortable~^^
And the space are quite big~
And i just remember i can't see people below me==
just the one row with their head only..
The rest...x nampak pun==haha..
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