Hi my fellow readers, I shall continue my Day 3 journey post at Cha-Am. The second place that we visit after Santorini Park will be here at Swiss Sheep Farm! I think many will wonder how our transport here at Cha-Am after the van. We took a cab outside Santorini Park to Swiss Sheep Farm. The road outside Santorini park is actually a highway and  it was quite hard to catch a cab. But thank God, we got 1 teksi and got to share with another couple as well. They are going to the newly open Camel Republic just slightly further away from Santorini Park. We did drop by there as well, as the place is still new is a good time for us to explore also. But Camel Republic really can't convince us to visit, so we just continue to stick back our plan and we visited Swiss Sheep Farm.

The journey to Swiss Sheep Farm from Santorini Park is around 10-15 minutes car journey

The decorations outside the main entrance.

A little cafe corner beside the ticket area.

Opened since 2012. This place is really famous among newly wed or even for pre-wedding shoot. Because this place have many love corner for all the lover to pose and take photos! If you love nature and animals, this will be a good place for photoshoot.

We got our ticket. 120Baht for Sheep Feeding + Entrance. I think their ticket always comes with something free and I bet everyone love it! 


Inside they have separated to few section, Sheep Station, Horse Station, Alpaca Station and more.

Small Sheep, looking sleepy.

We have pony here as well.

Inside here you can play archery too.

I don't know why but I was a bit scared off by this pony. Maybe I was afraid it will eat my stuff or my hair.

Sheep feeding time!

Love frame.

Mini Horse Station.

Love lock.

Couple pose.

Beautiful corner.

They are even Runner Sheep. You can even choose which number of sheep you want and bet for it to win.

Horse Riding is available.

Cute and Active Otter in da house!

We are here at Alpaca Station. Some Station required to pay extra fee because the entrance fee just included with the feeding.

This is one super handsome and cute Alpaca.

Lets take a selfie first.

Their sitting position is super hilarious and cute.

Can you guess what this Alpaca doing?

I love white Alpaca. It was more quiet and clever from what I observe. Alpaca is really tall and big size. It was like total size of me and some are even taller. When we first went in, we were quite scare by them and they are really hungry. I mean very hungry, we were really scare how they eat the food from our plate that we need to feed them. They are so strong until I drop the plate because they eat it very fast and aggressively.

Their Strawberry farm.

They have Small Game Corner, such as grabbing soft toys, cowboy bull and etc.

Their Souvenir Shop with many cute sheep and alpaca. I got 1 white cute Alpaca soft toy with me.

I love her service inside the Alpaca Station. We need to wash our hands with their sanitizer and wear a plastic bag to cover our shoes before we went in. She explains alot to us and really friendly.

Vintage Volkswagen Mini Van.

After we visit Swiss Sheep Farm, we continue to take cab but just as I told at first. It was not easy but is not wrong to try. Although we saw they are some cab parking at Swiss Sheep Farm, but mostly was taken and waiting for their passengers. At first we wanted to visit Plean Warn also but due to the limit of time we left and transport. We decided to back to Hua Hin Town. We spend some time waiting for cab and I was a bit worry because it was around 5pm already. We were both tired and exhausted. Thank God that we got a bus pass by and we took the bus and went straight to Hua Hin town.

Tips to Hua Hin from Bangkok
> Transport - If you are travelling with family or friends, rent a van or sign a package with a travel agent is was always the best. You just have to limit your visit time but you don't have to worry about the transport. Of cause the price is quite expensive because a van and for a whole day travel will cost around 2000baht to 3000 baht. But if you divided out among your friends, it will be quite worth as well. Just plan and discuss wisely about the transportation. 

> Weather - I am not sure about the weather. But it is advisable to bring umbrella, sunscreen and most importantly sunglasses! Normally I will tie my hair up because I really afraid of hot sun and sticky sweat. To my surprise although the sun was really rise and shine on that day, you can still enjoy the windy of the wind.

>Accomodation - For me, I will definitely back to Hua Hin again!! Because I want to go their beach and many nice places at Hua Hin. They have a horse riding by the beach that I been wanted to go. But too bad we couldn't plan in this trip. If you guys are not rush or with limit days, why don't you plan for a 2 days and 1 night at Hua Hin. I think it would be the best because you can visit more places at Hua Hin!

Hope you guys love my post and tips =D Just drop by a comment if you have more question and give a like on my post!

Petchburi Thiland 76120
Tel. 032-772495   
Email : info@swisssheepfarm.com

Opening  Time
Mon – Fri : 10.00am - 07.00pm
Sat – Sun : 09.00am - 07.00pm

Other Bangkok Related Post

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5



Add your comment

  1. waaaaaa another great place XD
    the alpaca is really cute, I adore the white one :D
    thanks for sharing Sharon :D


    1. yeap, definitely!
      We oso meet 1 super ugly and funny alpaca but I didn't post it's photo xD

  2. hi! may i ask you whether the bus that you take to go back to huahin is stopped exactly in front-of Swiss sheep farm?

    Do you know how to go to Cha'am from Swiss sheep farm to catch the van to Bangkok? Thank you!

    1. Hi Nathania, Thanks for your comment. The bus did stop in front of Swiss Sheep Farm because my boyfriend actually wave hand for the bus to stop. Because at the first place we plan to take teksi to Hua Hin =D

      I think best is by Teksi(faster and convenient) or Bus(you could ask where the bus stop) to go Cha'am =D

  3. hi, may I know is there any bus direct back to Bangkok from Sheep farm? or u go to Hua hin town first then only take bus to bangkok?

    1. Hi Evon, I am not sure about it. It was a so called highway in front of Sheep Farm, would not recommend to cross over to take bus from the opposite back to Bangkok. I go to Hua hin Town first because the direction of the bus is going towards Hua Hin town.


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