My last Bangkok post to conclude my Bangkok 2018 trip with Nicole! Can't believe it has been almost half a year since then, let me just do a quick recap where and what we do during our Bangkok trip. In this post, I will go through some of the places we went, for more details I had previously blogged about some of the places I went on the trip too. I will link everything on every end of the daily itinerary.
📍Thai In
For our first day when we reach Don Mueang Airport, we straight drop our luggage at Glur Central Pratunam our hotel. Later we head to Central Embassy for lunch, despite we are feeling tired we still walk around 10-15 minutes to train station and go to Central Embassy. Central Embassy has a pretty and huge food court on the lower ground floor. We got ourself Pineapple fried rice, Garlic Prawns, and Coconut desserts. Like literally, their food court is super classy!!
早上到了曼谷,把行李放在酒店lobby后我们就到曼谷城走走了。曼谷城市内的吃饭中心都很值得去参观和享用美食。我们第一间的Food Court真的很高级! 我觉得价钱就有低至中上。
📍Open House
After lunch, we visit the Open space library, Open House which is located on Level 6. It is a huge space filled with books and artistic vibes. It has a lot of cafes for you to drop by as well. It was a very chill and comfortable place to chill and read books.
来这里就是想参观这个Open House,算是间很大间的书局吧。开放式摆设的书看起来特别好看。这里还有很多开在旁边的咖啡馆让你在这里安静享用下午茶。
We manage to discover the middle space where we take a lot of photos without anybody looking at us too! For our next stop, we plan to visit Siam Center too. I guess is our mistake where we shop around at the area until 5-6pm where the night time comes really quickly. We drop by The Beautrium and Eve and Boy and spend hours there because we are just overwhelmed by the beauty products at both of the stores!!
Open House这里也有很多可以到处拍照的角落。之后呢,我们打算到Siam去走走啊。本来想去粉红店走走看看拍照。结果下站后,被Eve and Boy和The Beautrium店里的化妆品给吸引在里面花了几个小时。等到我们要出广场,才发现时间不早了,曼谷夜黑的时间也很早!
📍 Cintage School
📍 Choose Dress
📍 Stylenanda at Bangkok
We visit all of the pink shops pretty late and most of the shops near to closure time too. They close the shop around 8pm - 8:30pm, so make sure to check out their business hour before you go for any cafe or shop hopping! It was lucky for us because the crowds are lesser when we go there near closure time. Just make sure you take photos fast enough! haha
Our day 1 end with dinner at Som Thai, we almost forget about dinner time while we just too busy shopping and taking photos for the entire day.
Papaya Salad有炸猪皮,超级好吃!是说真的很辣,哈哈。没想到我们还会逛到忘记晚餐了,在附近吃晚餐后我们就回酒店了。
Day 1
Central Embassy → Open Library → Matchbox → Cintage School → Choose Dress → Stylenanda Pink Hotel → Eve and Boy → END
For our second day in Bangkok, we visited Chatuchak Market from morning to afternoon. This market is so nice to shop where you can find all sorts of cheaps item, from clothing, beauty, craft, and souvenirs too. Please take note it only open during weekends.
第二天早餐后,我们到Chatuchak Market逛街!这里的东西便宜爆,如果你是自己或者跟朋友想逛街这里真的最适合了!这个市场只在周末开放哦,时间从早到傍晚。记得一定要时时检查开放时间哦~
第二天早餐后,我们到Chatuchak Market逛街!这里的东西便宜爆,如果你是自己或者跟朋友想逛街这里真的最适合了!这个市场只在周末开放哦,时间从早到傍晚。记得一定要时时检查开放时间哦~
📍 Chatuchak Weekend Market
This market is so huge where you can easily get lost in the market. Make sure you hydrate yourself enough, bring maps with you, portable fan, and those essential items you need for good old shopping time. You can easily spend hours here without noticing your time too. If you are too tired of walking, you can try out their foot massages services too!
我在另一篇哦也介绍过去这个广场了,所以也不多说啦。如果你是整天在这里,就带足够的饮料和补充水分吧,那里真的很热~ 脚酸走累了,还有按摩付费的地方。
📍 Chuanpisamai Cafe
After shopping around Chatuchak Market, we head back to our hotel to rest and get change too! We visited two cafes for the remaining day. The first cafe we visited is this Wedding inspired theme cafe, Chuanpisamai Cafe, which located way inside. Not a very convenient cafe to visit but it was worth the hype where every corner of the cafe is too pretty!
📍 Unicorn Cafe
The last cafe we visit for the day is Unicorn Cafe!! Despite their food is really sucks, but they have the most cutest Unicorn decor ever. You can spend hours taking photos inside the cafe with all the colorful Unicorn background. Perfect for a cute date with your friend! Check out my more detailed post where I link below.
当然也来到传说中的独角兽咖啡馆了~整个咖啡馆的设计就是很缤纷色彩,就是那种梦幻行。食物真的不怎么样,但是便是拍照好去处。来打卡下~ 点击以下蓝色链接可以知道更多详情哦。
Day 2
On day 3, we continue with our shopping spree at Union Mall! One of the shopping mall that favor by the locals, and we shall continue with our SHOPPING!!
来到第三天,我们还是继续逛街啊。来到本地人都爱去的Union Mall。类似像我们Kl的Sg Wang。只是这里是一楼一楼满满的店铺。
来到第三天,我们还是继续逛街啊。来到本地人都爱去的Union Mall。类似像我们Kl的Sg Wang。只是这里是一楼一楼满满的店铺。
📍 Union Mall
In this mall, you can easily go crazy with the products they have, a whole floor of clothing stores, another floor of shoes and accessories and so on. Although I won't say that the products here are cheaper compared to Chatuchak Marker but you can also find some cheap items when you look at the stores.
📍 After You Dessert
For the next stop, we visit terminal 21 and we tried this Mango dessert from After You Dessert Shop. This is super fresh and delicious. I like how the cream is so thick and inside still have fillings for you to eat!
来到曼谷不要错过After You的冰雹超好吃的!!土司其实也不错吃的,但是天气热就想吃冰雹。

来到曼谷不要错过After You的冰雹超好吃的!!土司其实也不错吃的,但是天气热就想吃冰雹。

📍 Terminal 21
In Terminal 21, you will notice that the mall is literally designed like an airport with different countries terminal on the escalator. Each floor is designed with different countries signature buildings. There are still a lot of tourists visit here because of the decoration in this mall.
我想大家对Terminal 21都不陌生吧,每一楼就有像不同国家的设计,包括厕所没一楼都很漂亮!游客还是喜欢来这里,其次就是来看和打卡。
我想大家对Terminal 21都不陌生吧,每一楼就有像不同国家的设计,包括厕所没一楼都很漂亮!游客还是喜欢来这里,其次就是来看和打卡。
📍Ratchada Mall/ Ratchada Market
We end our day by visiting another night market which is the Ratchada Market. But due to heavy rain since evening time, most of the store is closed due to a small flood around the area. It was really sad because we wanted to buy some souvenir back home from this market. But still, with not many stores doing their business due to the rain, we still manage to buy some cheap items, such as earrings that go buy 10 free 1 with only 200 THB, 6 pairs of socks with 100 THB and other more.
Day 3
Union Mall → Terminal 21→ Ratchada Market
📍 Naraya
Can you believe that we still shop on our last day here at BKK!? Since it was nearby to our hotel, we decided to do our last minute snack shopping at Big C. We walk to the biggest Big C that is just across Central World. Not only that we shop for snacks, but we also shop at Naraya which is just outside of the shop. We just go crazy because the bag design is so pretty and I even got myself the third bag that I got during my trip. LOL!!
With the limited time left for snacks shopping, we manage to grab all the snacks we want and check out.
没想到我们还有时间到酒店附近Big C大狂买零食!!而且还在Naraya店里逛到蛮久,然后在Big C里就很快速的拿起我们要买的零食就买单。
📍 B-Story Cafe
We also lucky because since we still have plenty of time before our flight. We drop by at another pretty cafe near our hotel, B-Story Cafe, and spend our lunch and chill here for around 1 hour. More detailed photo review check the link below!
Day 4
Big C → B-Story Cafe → Back to Malaysia
Writing this post after my Korea trip feel so surreal because every trip I went it brings so many good memories for me. Although we can't stay at that place forever, but living as the moment when we are there it gives us so many joy and nice memories too. So here end my Bangkok trip post, and I hope you enjoy reading it! I hope to come back to Bangkok for more good food or some other cultural place too.
Till Then
Writing this post after my Korea trip feel so surreal because every trip I went it brings so many good memories for me. Although we can't stay at that place forever, but living as the moment when we are there it gives us so many joy and nice memories too. So here end my Bangkok trip post, and I hope you enjoy reading it! I hope to come back to Bangkok for more good food or some other cultural place too.
Till Then
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