
Can't believe that I have been shopping in Taobao for 3 years and still continue. This is my first time buying makeup from Taobao. Usually, makeup is considered sensitive items to ship back to Malaysia. Therefore I never really explore that area yet until recent. So with my recent Hang Zhou, China trip, I send over the makeup products to my colleagues and to hotel. Therefore the entire haul is how I bought makeup from Taobao. However you still can shop makeup from Taobao when you are in Malaysia, I will share it next round.

对于中国彩妆,或许有些人会有些偏见说中国彩妆能用吗?当然我想说有什么东西现在不是Made in China的吗?虽然我也不会勉强你们一定要买或者尝试什么的,但是有好物当然会想分享咯~ 

When I first do this China Makeup sharing video, I was worried that will someone actually critics me and asking me why I bought their makeup? So yeah I guess is just a matter of choice, if I feel comfortable with it and so do you as a reader, feel free to continue, but if you are not you can always skip this post. 

My intention of sharing this is to let everyone knows that some China brand makeup is really up to par and is not even that bad or poor quality made. And intro some of the nice shop and products for you to shop and understand more!

我先从我买最多的品牌开始介绍吧,就是卡婷彩妆啦~我觉得在淘宝如果你真的觉得太多东西去看和购买,你可以从那些化妆Official Store 开始逛哦。其实我自己在开始淘宝前,已经有看过这个品牌了。但是因为那时还没想过要开启中国彩妆的旅程~

Let's start with the brand that I have to splurge on it, Catkin cosmetics. If you feel that you are overwhelmed with all the products from Taobao, you can always start with the official store brand in Taobao. I do come across this brand when I scroll Taobao, that time when I'm not so into trying and shipping back all these China Makeup.

卡婷彩妆的设计就是充满中国风的设计的包装!不只在包装上下尽心思,质感也不输其他的外国品牌。自己对这种传统包装的东西就是有一种特别的吸引力,本来自己也不想花那么多钱,但是又怕自己回来后会很后悔,所以这个卡婷的产品对我来说就特别的喜爱和珍贵~ 本来在运送上还遇上了一些乌龙的事件,还好最后都解决了。

One thing I really love about their products is, they have the prettiest China traditional packaging ever. The quality of the packaging is super good quality and pretty to resist. This entire haul is kinda splurging because at first I still thinking to get this next round, but then what if I regret when I'm back to Malaysia. Hence I decided to get it when I'm in China

Official store link
卡婷旗舰店 http://bit.ly/2JdWLl0

这一盘真的是我的最爱了~包装上我爱上这个蓝色包装,加上镀金的金鱼图案,拿在手上就很爱不释手了。 我选了比较玫瑰柔色的,因为我的另一盘Venus Marble的眼影盘是比较娇暖色。然后在卡婷这里,就选了比较不同特色的眼影盘。

It's been a while since I am so attracted to a palette that I really love. This Catkin palette with the goldfish pattern on top, and it's blue packaging, it gives a very classy traditional vibe to it. These blue palette colors are more to rosey cool tone shades. Apparently, they have two colors choices, but I still prefer this packaging. Since Venus marble palette I got is more to warm bright yellow therefore I choose a totally different vibe and color.

这个BB底妆真的有惊艳到我,从外观到里面的设计, 我都很喜欢!虽然上装效果比较轻盈和自然,但是我觉得整体上我还是很喜欢~ 我觉得在这里真的写不出我对卡婷彩妆的喜爱,记得看我的影片!

Moving to other makeup products that I have not been purchased for so long, that is BB cushion. I guess why this bb cushion cries out to me is because of the packaging and design they have put all together. The coverage of this BB cushion is more to natural glowy finishes. Check out my video review on how I applying this on my face.


Another product that I get influence to get is this super pretty highlighter powder that comes in this super pretty wave pattern on it. Not only the packaging and the pattern wins my heart, but I also love how it applies to my face too.

最后我在卡婷买了口红和唇釉,选了很红的颜色但是在包装上还是战胜我心里的所爱啊!虽然口红在包装上真的是更上一层楼,但是唇釉包装也不输呀!真的没有买过那么好看的包装啦! 这整个卡婷的彩妆真的是值得收藏,我也专门做了一个影片用卡婷彩妆哦,记得赏脸点击以下的影片。

Last products that I bought from Catkin are these two lip products! Red is definitely not the usual color that I will choose but since is a quite prosperous color to choose and is also their signature color packaging too. For the liquid lips, I choose a blue packaging to some sort of contrast the red I choose for lipstick. Overall Catkin cosmetics is pretty nice for gifts and to use or collect as well. You can buy during sales and you will get a lot of discounts too.



Move on to some other makeup products, the most that I shop the most is eyeshadow palettes. This one palette only like cost less than RM20 and yet the color and quality are super nice. Since I can't decide on the color which I should buy, I just bought all the colors.


Need to find some time to do some real color swatching too! I did swatch some color on my hand in the video, even those shimmer colors are really pretty too.

novo亮片眼影闪粉网红眼影盘ins平价高颜值珠光独角兽国货之光 8:44

另一盘的novo的眼影盘,主要买这盘是因为眼影盘上有很漂亮的亮片!虽然刚开始我没那么的期待,没想到轻轻滑亮片就沾上手上和那么容易的涂上。 而且我选的这盘颜色比较适合日常妆,有橘色,柔粉色和大地色。

Another same Novo eyeshadow palette bought this is because of the chunky glitter in this palette! I didn't expect the color to be so easy to swatch and pretty too. Check out my IGTV for the swatches as well. Overall this palette is suitable for everyday makeup as it consists of coral, pink and some earth tone color too.

VENUS MARBLE大理石眼影盘女初学者哑光大地色浪漫拜金主义九9色 

其实因为自己也做了影片,所以没有在手上刷色。在这里也附上连接~ 整体上质感这盘Venus Marble 眼影盘都很漂亮,我就是喜欢有点复古和经典的包装。这个也是我在这次购物期待的战利品!

This Venus Marble palette is also one of my favorite palettes. Since I have done a simple tutorial for this palette, you may check out on my IGTV too. The entire packaging and the color of this palette are really good. I love how classy and vintage the packaging is. 

HOJO故宫口红女小众品牌学生款平价不脱色星空持久防水哑光独角兽 | 朱砂橘 (二左)

vnc极光口红星空女学生款高颜值平价小众德国品牌旗舰店正品官网 | 607 日不落 枫叶色系 
http://bit.ly/2FEd3D0 (最左)

vnk哑光口红 | 锦鲤色星耀限定版  鸳鸯奶茶 
http://bit.ly/2NgWIub (二右/三右)

http://bit.ly/2xgG7fb (最右)

来到口红的部分我自己也剁手了4个口红,每个口红都有一些很漂亮的特征!自己最喜欢的是VNK亮钻的口红!!质感上也很棒!! 虽然只是黑色普通的口红罐装,但是我觉得握在手上是很有质感的。自己选了两个喜欢的颜色~ VNC和hojo的口红包装也很漂亮,但是质感我觉得还是有差。

Besides getting myself eyeshadow palettes, I also shop some nice and pretty lipstick too. Some of the lipstick like VNK black packaging has the prettiest diamond blink texture of the lipstick. Not only they have really pretty texture but also good quality, as it is a magnetic case cover.


I received a lot of free makeup brushes too! Like buy one palette the free one set of makeup brushes, and in the end, I receive so many makeup brushes for free. Not only that the quality of the brushes are actually really nice and soft too!



本想说想好好研究修容就入手了,修容饼和修容刷,但是到现在都没好好的使用。就看到粉饼也是爆炸多好品吖,就买来试试了~ 关键自己也是要常用啊! 哈哈

I have been thinking wanted to learn to contour and until now I haven't tried on my face. This Jilleen contouring powder is like the best selling contouring powder where everyone will come back and purchase more.


I am still not a hoarder to buy anything that I want and see! As an experienced buyer, I still will check base on the seller's ratings and product review. This will determine the product quality and seller quality whenever I shop at Taobao. I will continue to shop makeup products from Taobao more, so please stay tuned on my review and unboxing. Don't forget to check out my video below and subscribe to my channel.

Till Then.

Add your comment

  1. Wow! Interesting! I used to shop in taobao website for my kitchen utensil, never thought they are also selling make up. Thanks for sharing 😁😁

  2. Usually always hear about cosmetic products from Korea. Setuju tak semua barang dari China tak ok. Btw, i love the packaging. Cantik juga packaging CatSKin ni. Bolehla register kat Taobao.

  3. Kalau bab ini, kaum wanita akan menyukai nya. hehe

  4. Thank you for interesting information. I'd like to try it!))

  5. Makeup packaging are so niceeee. I really love this. Please share how to buy it and ship to Malaysia.

  6. Wow I really like the makeup you've purchased, I usually buy clothes from Taobao haven tried Makeup yet will think about it next round.

  7. I like the packaging so beautiful Chinese traditional

  8. For the first time I hear for these brands and I really like packaging of products. It looks very elegant and beautiful. I really enjoy reading about your experience of buying makeup. Thank you for sharing.

    New Post - http://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2019/07/1st-anniversary-of-exclusive-beauty_9.html
