As a woman, we have so many responsibilities that we must be in charge such as a daughter, wife, and mum. Throughout life, we need to learn how to love ourselves more. Besides our busy lives with family and work, we also need to spend time for ourselves by doing things we like by self-pampering. It's been a while since I attended The Butterfly Project workshop, and this time we are having lots of fun with more empowering women and bringing all of us women together.
Showing posts with label
Ultra Violet Pantone 2018 Dessert from Caffe Bene, One Utama
Tuesday, March 06, 2018
in Butterflymalaysia, ButterflyMsia, Caffe Bene, Caffe Bene Malaysia, Event, Foods, One Utama, Purple Foods, Purple Fun ^^, The Butterfly Project
Thanks to The Butterfly Project and Caffe Bene, I had enjoyed a wonderful Ultra Violet Party last weekend with all the Butterflies. Although this is a small and cozy party together. I really love it and how we can enjoy and learn more about the concept behind this Ultra Violet Series from Caffe Bene. Since it was an UltraViolet Party, we are all in a purple and it looks so nice when seeing all of wearing my favorite Purple color in an event!
Gold Sparkling Box from ALTHEA Beauty Box
Tuesday, January 02, 2018
in Althea, Althea Korea, Beauty, Beauty Blogger, Beauty Box, Butterflymalaysia, Makeup, Purple Reviewss, skincare, The Butterfly Project
Happy New Year guys! So my first post of the year will be about beauty review. I got this really pretty makeup and skincare from Gold Sparkling Box. It was one of their beauty boxes series from ALTHEA itself. They come out with 3 Sparkling boxes during the festive season, that is Red, Gold, and Black I do know that festive season is over, however this box is specially curated not only for festive but to any event you wish to attend like, wedding and girls date out. It was one of the emergency sparkling boxes I would say, because during any last minute event plan with a friend. This Gold Sparkling Box is the perfect sparkling box you need, for you to stay pretty and sparkling whole day!
What is Althea Beauty box?
Althea beauty boxes are curated by the fairy team in Seoul. There will be 2-3 thematic boxes every month! It was prepared in limited quantity and each box contains 5-12 full-size beauty products depending on the theme and value. The best part about this beauty box is there is no commitment for subscriptions, just buy it if you like it!! Discover some new k-beauty product inside Althea Beauty Box. But the downside is these beauty boxes are limited in quantity (while stocks last) on a first come first serve basis.
belif • Believe in Truth • Believe in Christmas
Saturday, December 23, 2017
in Beauty, Beauty Review, belif, belif Malaysia, Butterflymalaysia, Purple Reviewss, Skin care, The Butterfly Project
It's my favorite season of the year again! For today post I received a set of Christmas skincare and makeup set from belif. This whole set includes 2 skincare products, 1 BB cream, and 1 makeup remover. It came with a really pretty Christmas box.
About belif
belif is the most truthful and sincere cosmetic brand that you have ever come across. It leverages the knowledge and traditional herbal processing method passed down from a British herbalist since 1860. belif is a true herbal cosmetic brand completed bu marrying the traditional approach of treating the body and mind to maintain the skin's ideal condition using natural herbs with belif's proprietary safe and innovative extracting method! belif delivers remarkable value to the skin by applying rich tradition and in-depth knowledge of natural ingredients.
Make Your Concept Black Set with A:CONCEPT
Sunday, December 10, 2017
in A:CONCEPT, Althea Korea, Althea Kr, Beauty, Beauty Blogger, Butterflymalaysia, ButterflyMsia, Gift Set, Make Your Concept Black Set, Makeup, Makeup Set, Purple Reviewss, The Butterfly Project
Back to my beauty post to end my hectic ahead. This time I will introduce this really chic and pretty black box set from A:CONCEPT. A:CONCEPT is a brand that is famous for their cushion and some lippie design too. Their brand is focused on easy and multifunctional makeup that is suitable for working life woman that is often too busy to take care of makeup or even find makeup that is bulky and not convenient to use.
For today post, this whole set is the perfect gift for your mum or friend around who are so busy and find makeup troublesome things to do. Because with one of this box, you can find your perfect foundation, blusher, and cheek.
Half Moon Eyes Milky Jelly Moisture Cream Review
Wednesday, November 08, 2017
in Beauty, Beauty Blogger, Butterflymalaysia, Half Moon Eyes, Moisture Cream, Moisturizer, Purple Reviewss, Skin care, The Butterfly Project
Welcome back to my last post about Half Moon Eyes products! Today post will about Milky Jelly Moisture Cream, my first try on moisture cream which comes in tube packaging! You may read here about my first product review on their wash-off mask too.
About Half Moon Eyes
The brand name itself is created by beauty director Lee Seung Hyun, where she got inspired by her half-moon shaped eyes. Eyes are like the window of the world, it captures women's hopes and desires to find the most beautiful side of themselves.
Half Moon Eyes Milky Jelly Toning Essence Review
Monday, October 30, 2017
in Beauty, Beauty Blogger, Butterflymalaysia, Half Moon Eyes, Purple Reviewss, Skin care, The Butterfly Project, Toner
Welcome back to my second post about Half Moon Eyes products! Today post is about my most favorite and highly recommended product among this series - The Milky Jelly Toning Essense. There are reasons why it is my most favorite product among this series. Read on to know why! You may also read here about my first product review on their wash-off mask too.
About Half Moon Eyes
The brand name itself is created by beauty director Lee Seung Hyun, where she got inspired from her half-moon shaped eyes. Eyes are like the window of the world, it captures women's hopes and desires to find the most beautiful side of themselves.
Not so Gothic - September Face of the Month
Monday, September 04, 2017
in #Sharonfotm, Beauty, Beauty Blogger, Butterflymalaysia, Face of the Month, Gothic Look, Make Up, Purple Reviewss, The Butterfly Project
Back to my monthly post about Face of the Month, I just realize I miss out August one. So here's my Face of the Month the Not so Gothic Look. Recently got really into a lot of makeup hype and shoot a lot of makeup pictorial in my camera. This look is taken before I change my hair color, red purplish hair with my not so gothic look. The overall look is pretty much black and red tone, hope you guys like my look for the month of August. Also, my last makeup look for my red purplish hair too!
💓 The Butterfly Project: Party Bag Unbagging SkinCare/Body Care/Miscellaneous Ver. 💓
Monday, July 03, 2017
in Beauty, Beauty Blogger, Butterflymalaysia, Purple Reviewss, The Butterfly Project, unboxing
My another unbagging post about the skin care, body care, and some miscellaneous products I got from the 4th Birthday Party! Writing this unbagging post is like never ending surprise of the products to be unbagging! It just got me super excited with all the products I receive during the 4th Birthday Party!
Read on to know more products I receive from the birthday party that day! If you haven't read the makeup unbagging I did, just remember to drop by here by showing your love for me.
💓 The Butterfly Project: Party Bag Unbagging Make Up Ver. 💓
Saturday, July 01, 2017
in Beauty, Beauty Blogger, Butterflymalaysia, Make Up, Purple Reviewss, The Butterfly Project
Here's my post about the party bag that I got from the 4th Birthday Party with The Butterfly Project community. We got way so many products in this Birthday Party! I can't wait to share all the goodies we got from the BAG!!
I want to do a shout out on our bag which is design by our Mamasan, Tammy Lim! Definitely in love with the totes, hands up for those who love totes too. In this post, I will share the makeup products that I got from the Party Bag!
Coral Blooming Look with W.Lab - June Face of the Month
Sunday, June 25, 2017
in #Sharonfotm, Beauty, Beauty Blogger, Butterflymalaysia, Face of the Month, Make Up, Purple Reviewss, The Butterfly Project
Hello welcome to my new post segment call the Face of the Month. Is this post, I will play around with makeup and share with you guys about the look I create. I hope that I can do this monthly to share around my favorite makeup look of the month!
Makeup is really fun to play with! With only 1 eyeshadow palette and eyeshadow brushes, you can easily create and blend with the makeup look you like. In this post, I use W.Lab Eyeshadow palette and Unicorn Eyeshadow Brushes to re-create the Face of the Month. I would love to thank you W.Lab and The Wanderlustthings for sponsoring these beautiful products to all Butterflies during our 4th Birthday Party! Without further ado let's start this post with all pictorial steps.
Vegan Halal Matte Suede Liquid Lipstick from Orkid Cosmetics
Friday, June 23, 2017
in Beauty, Beauty Blogger, Butterflymalaysia, Lipstick, Matte Liquid Lipstick, Orkid Cosmetics, Purple Reviewss, The Butterfly Project
I am here blog about my recent favorite Matte Liquid Lipstick I got from The Butterfly Project 4th Birthday Party. I have been sharing a lot on my insta story and my Instagram. Not to mention since then I use all these 4 colors matte lipstick for almost all of my weekend makeup looks ever since I received these babies.
I have been really onto matte liquid lipstick since last year. I abandoned a lot of lipstick formula lippies and move to the new era of matte lipstick. One thing that I obsessed into matte liquid lipstick is their colors was start off with more to earthy and nude colors which I really like. Wait the truth is, I never thought that I can pull off those nude and earthy color after I first try it. I use to love coral or red color lip color after I turn my heart to matte liquid lipstick. I adore nude and earthy color even more. If one day I would like to re- purchase any bullet lipstick formula, I will only go for red or even blush pink, nudes color too!
💗 The Butterfly Project 4th Birthday Party!! 💗
Sunday, June 18, 2017
in Butterflymalaysia, ButterflyMsia, Event, Purple Fun ^^, The Butterfly Project
Happy 4th Birthday to The Butterfly Project Community! It's been a good old 4 years that this community grows, I can't really remember how long I been with The Butterfly Project but I remember my first blogging project is the Havaianas blogging review.
I am always being proud to be a Butterfly and I admit that I have grown a lot within this community. Not only that, through this community we get to knows a lot of PR and more blogging opportunity with all the other butterflies too. I am glad that each year we all grow stronger and become better together. Joining The Butterfly Project makes us feel that we are not alone in this blogging community too. Thanks, Mamasan Tammy Lim again for this wonderful community. 💗
Butterfly Project Christmas CupCake Workshop @ At 19 Culinary Studio
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
in At 19 Culinary Studio, Baking Class, Baking Workshop, Butterflymalaysia, ButterflyMsia, Christmas cupcakes, Event, Purple Fun ^^

Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing to all of you! It's been the truly blessed year of 2016 and look how fast time flies too. We are less than 1 week till 2017. Hope to clear all my pending post before 2016 ended. Something big is going to happen in 2017 too, hope you can continue to follow my journey to 2017 also too.
Back to this short update of my first baking trial together with fellow Butterflies at 19 Culinary Studio! I never bake anything before in my life so been able to join this Christmas Cupcake workshop was really excited too. Hope on to this time travel journey back to my first time baking journey with fellow butterflies at At 19 Culinary Studio.
Shizens Beauty Haul @
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
in Beauty, Beauty Blogger, Beauty Review, Butterflymalaysia, ButterflyMsia, Make Up, Purple Haul, Purple Reviewss, Shizens, ShizensEShopping, Shopping
Hey lovelies, today will gonna share my Beauty Haul from Shizens. I always heard about Shizens before, and their famous lip tattoos too. That it is popular for its lasting effect and its ability to bring out the lips’ natural rosy tones. But in this haul, I managed to try out some other good products too from Shizens!
It was my first time shopping at Shizens website, I don't know that I can shop for their beauty and makeup products from their website too. It helps to save up a lot of time and online shopping is so much fun as I can expect a "parcel" from Shizens. It just makes my online shopping more fun and excited.
[EVENT] Around the World with RilakkumaXCanon EOS M10
Saturday, June 25, 2016
in Butterflymalaysia, Canon, Canon EOS M10, Canon Malaysia, Event, Purple Fun ^^, Rilakkuma
Hello guys, today will blog about a really fun and happy event I have join last few weeks. Thanks to Butterfly Project Malaysia and Canon Imaging Asia organise and invite me to this super fun filling event at Whup Whup Cafe. This time we not only have Canon Malaysia joining us but we have Rilakkuma here as well.
Now Canon has partnering with the much-loved Rilakkuma and joins the bandwagon by encouraging users to artistically incorporate the ToyTravel trend in their photos and at the same time, inspire creativity among social media users. To kick things off, users can now have Rilakkuma as their next travelling companion with Canon's special edition EOS M10 Box set, bundled with a limited edition 24cm Rilakkuma plush toy!
What is actually ToyTravel? Will slowly explain to all of you while I bring back all of you to the event where I get the chance to take photo non stop with Rilakkuma and all my beloved butterflies who attend the event.
Mamonde Product Preview by AmorePacific Malaysia
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
in AmorePacific, Butterflymalaysia, Event, Mamonde, Purple Fun ^^, Skin care
Last few weekend, I have been to a secret brand preview by AmorePacific. When I first got the invitation I was super excited and in the mean time curious about what is this new brand that are gonna review during this event. Thanks again to The Butterfly Malaysia Project to give me this chance to be the first batch bloggers know about this new brand that are gonna launch in Malaysia.
On the 13th May 2016, AmorePacific Malaysia held a launch preview of its latest brand - Mamonde (meaning My World in French) today. Mamonde products which is fully imported from South Korea is set to reach Malaysian shores in August 2016 with the opening of its first beauty counter in Aeon Bandar Utama.
Mamonde is the leading global premium cosmetic brand that offers a wide array of skincare, and makeup products to suit every woman’s daily needs. Price range of its products is expected to be between RM6 -RM169.
The Butterfly Project 3rd Birthday Bash with Althea Korea @ Delectable by Su
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
in Althea Korea, Althea Kr, BB Cushion, Birthday, Butterflymalaysia, Delectable By Su, Event, Party, Purple Fun ^^
Finally gonna blog about this super happy and wonderful birthday party that I went. This special party is to celebrating Butterfly Project Malaysia reaches 3 Years Old in 2016 April 30th. I feel that time passes super fast that it has already been 3 years that Butterfly Project Malaysia is born! I feel super glad and grateful that in this blogging journey with Butterfly Project Malaysia, I have learn a lot, making new blogger's friend, learning how to create a good content for blog, have more opportunity to reach out different famous beauty brand in Malaysia.
There is still a long speech to go that I can't be thankful enough to Butterfly Project Malaysia and to the great and inspired founder Tammy Lim which are been the AWESOME supports to all the Butterflies in this community. If its not by Tammy Lim, I don't think this Birthday Party could ever happens.
Woops, I shall continue my rant in the end of the post. Not forget I have to thanks Althea Korea, Delectable by Su by sponsoring all the goods and venue for this wonderful birthday bash we have for Butterfly Project Malaysia. Let's follow my post to recall back all the wonderful memory we all Butterflies have during the birthday party on the 30th April 2016.
KOSÉ SEKKISEI Trial Kit Review
Thursday, February 25, 2016
in Beauty, Beauty Blogger, Beauty Review, Butterflymalaysia, KOSÉ, KOSÉ SEKKISEI Trial Kit, Purple Reviewss, Skin care
Hola girls!!! Finally here to blog about KOSÉ SEKKISEI Trial Kit. Thanks to Butterfly Malaysia and KOSÉ for this opportunity for all the lovely butterflies to try this product. They have comes out with really cute box surprises that are in Valentines Theme as well. Basically the box is just PINK + WHITE perfect for Valentines gift right.
Mentholatum - BOTANICS Product Review @ Guardians Malaysia
Monday, February 15, 2016
in Beauty, Beauty Blogger, Butterflymalaysia, Face Wash, Facial Wash, Guardian Malaysia, Mentholatum, Mentholatum Botanics, Purple Reviewss
Finally back to work on today, totally Monday Blues all the day. I been resting for good whole week from blogging but in the mean time I get to spending quality times with my family and friends. It does feel good and having much fun together with all my families, relatives and friends. After all the happy moments together, now is the time back to reality, to work and to blog.
Welcome back to work everyone! Hope you guys have a really wonderful Chinese New Year spend time with family and friends. Now I'm back for product review for all Botanics product from Mentholatum. If you have been following my blog, I have blog about the product launch during last 2 weeks, and now its time to hand on their facial products. A little read about my last post here.
Mentholatum has developed a brand new facial care series called the Botanics that offers consumers not only the best skincare results but at an affordable price. Botanics uses the finest ingredients with the highest quality natural herbal essences from flowers and herbs. Each of the flowers and herbs were carefully selected bases on their unique properties to offer exceptional results.
Mentholatum - BOTANICS Product Review